What A Difference A Week Makes

It seems hard to believe that a week ago we were in the midst of one of the hardest times in our life. Thankfully that is behind us now!! Life is gaining more normalcy every day.

After 2 days of calls I finally got all of Chip's follow up appointments made. We still have to deal with his broken face. Thanks to DKH we still need a face CT scan so the doctor can figure out how to fix his face, if at all. You can see a very clear dimple in his cheekbone now that the swelling is down which wasn't there before. It gives him character ;)

His broken thumb is improving slowly but surely so he has some use of at least one hand. Poor guy :(

Anyone that knows Chip knows he doesn't sit around well. He's going a bit stir crazy but learned the hard way not to push it too far or he WILL suffer the next day.

The sheer and utter exhaustion hit me like a brick wall on Monday. Maybe it was adding work into the mix, maybe it was my brain letting me relax knowing he was out of the woods.... Who knows but by 7pm I was sleeping on the couch. That was it, I was done! Everyone got sent to bed at 8 and I crashed. HARD.

Work has been so good to me. Yesterday I was told to take a few hours and nap on my couch. Sounds good, but it wouldn't ever work. It's still a very nice offer after all that I've missed and am behind on.

Last night Chip insisted on not setting the alarm to take his meds. If he was in pain he would wake up. The concept made me anxious because I don't want the pain to get ahead of him. But i agreed to give it a try and it worked out. He woke on his own right around the time I would have gotten him up. Somehow it seemed less intrusive on our sleep this way. He was doing okay this morning so I guess it worked out just fine!

I feel SO much better after 2 nights of good sleep, seeing Chip improving and just life being regular ol' life again.

Tomorrow we see his regular doctor to get him into PT and to have someone local to help with pain management. Then it's off to DKH for his CT scan. I don't really want to go back there but have little choice!

So....that's where we are. Holding up, getting through the days.


  1. So hard. What's the prognosis for his hands or will you know more after all the appts I suppose. Hope all the reports are good. Give him our love. We can take him out for a day next week if he wants some company.

    1. He is able to move the left arm (with the nerve issues) more and more each day but he still isn't able to really feel it and the pain is still pretty intense. The neurosurgeon wanted to give it two weeks to see what progress his body makes on healing itself. We see him next Friday. I'm taking him to the PCP this afternoon to get him into PT so he can start trying to work it and hopefully alleviate some of the muscle tightness.

  2. So glad to hear things are getting better! And so glad you've been able to get some sleep! It makes a world of difference!! Send him our love too! Love you guys!!!

    1. Sleep is a miracle worker! Last night was the first night in weeks I slept straight through the night. Its like having a baby again almost. Unfortunately, because he didn't wake up over night he was hurting quite a bit this morning but nothing that can't be managed. I still feel like I could sleep for weeks.....
