Day 4 - Breakfast

I am a HUGE supporter of convenience type food. Who am I to question multi-million dollar companies who've invested millions and tested recipes to the point of perfection. I use pre-made frozen waffles, box cake mix, Bisquick, etc. Do some of these things cost more then making them from scratch? Absolutely. But the time I save by using some of these items far outweighs the cost! When I'm already up at 5 am to get everyone up, ready & out the door, making waffles from scratch just ain't gonna happen!

So....this is today's breakfast. Frozen waffles, fresh strawberries, syrup and whipped cream. Hey - it's dairy so it counts as a breakfast food!


  1. That's what Mother used to say when she gave us strawberry shortcake for dinner - three food groups!

  2. As did my mother. There were several nights where strawberry shortcake was dinner. I had no issues with that ;)
