One Foot In Front Of The Other...

...and that's just what we will do....

It's been a rather crazy week. I would never have survived without the help and support from everyone. We have crested the hill and heading back to the land of normal. Normal for us, that is....

Chip saw the ENT on Thursday to find out about his face. No surgery is needed to repair the sinuses or bones and it should heal on its own. We may need to see an oral surgeon of he's still not able to open his jaw fully in a few months. That is a bridge to cross when we/if we reach it....

The big day was yesterday with Dr Moser, the neurosurgeon. He is the Director of the Neurosurgery Department and one of the most pleasant, caring and just overall nice guy for a specialist. I've seen a LOT of medical experts in my time but none have come close to Dr Moser.

Dr Moser pulled up the MRI of Chip's spine and showed it to us. Fascinating to say the least! For now, Dr Moser isn't ready to say surgery is necessary. We will follow up in 30 days and re-assess his progress and decide tgen. So no surgery there either. Phew! What a huge relief. It sure seems like life will get normal again now!

Chip was cleared to drive and is thrilled with getting his "driving privileges" back. He's just going short distances but I can relate and say it does give a huge sense of freedom to be able to run to the store or practice or whatever.

So....we got good news after all!! Chippy is still not exactly comfortable and has a way to go. But he's heading in the right direction and improving every day, little by little.

Today was opening day ceremonies for the softball season. They had their photos done, a small parade, lunch and a game. The team plays amazingly well together. They are 3-0 and really "get it". It's so much fun to watch them. Today was no exception.

After softball Chip and I took a walk out on the track where he crashed. Seeing the tree and distance from what he thought was the cause of the crash only caused more confusion. It was rather odd to see it and listen to him talking about it, trying to piece things together.

It was a nice day for some outdoor activities even though a tad on the chilly side. It's also been nice relief now that we learned no surgery. Finally - some good news!

What A Difference A Week Makes

It seems hard to believe that a week ago we were in the midst of one of the hardest times in our life. Thankfully that is behind us now!! Life is gaining more normalcy every day.

After 2 days of calls I finally got all of Chip's follow up appointments made. We still have to deal with his broken face. Thanks to DKH we still need a face CT scan so the doctor can figure out how to fix his face, if at all. You can see a very clear dimple in his cheekbone now that the swelling is down which wasn't there before. It gives him character ;)

His broken thumb is improving slowly but surely so he has some use of at least one hand. Poor guy :(

Anyone that knows Chip knows he doesn't sit around well. He's going a bit stir crazy but learned the hard way not to push it too far or he WILL suffer the next day.

The sheer and utter exhaustion hit me like a brick wall on Monday. Maybe it was adding work into the mix, maybe it was my brain letting me relax knowing he was out of the woods.... Who knows but by 7pm I was sleeping on the couch. That was it, I was done! Everyone got sent to bed at 8 and I crashed. HARD.

Work has been so good to me. Yesterday I was told to take a few hours and nap on my couch. Sounds good, but it wouldn't ever work. It's still a very nice offer after all that I've missed and am behind on.

Last night Chip insisted on not setting the alarm to take his meds. If he was in pain he would wake up. The concept made me anxious because I don't want the pain to get ahead of him. But i agreed to give it a try and it worked out. He woke on his own right around the time I would have gotten him up. Somehow it seemed less intrusive on our sleep this way. He was doing okay this morning so I guess it worked out just fine!

I feel SO much better after 2 nights of good sleep, seeing Chip improving and just life being regular ol' life again.

Tomorrow we see his regular doctor to get him into PT and to have someone local to help with pain management. Then it's off to DKH for his CT scan. I don't really want to go back there but have little choice!

So....that's where we are. Holding up, getting through the days.

No News Is Now Good News...

At least, I think it is.... He's still in significant pain but is managing. He's alert, he knows where he is, who he is and all that fun stuff. Yay!

We are trying to stay on a routine to keep up with meds. It's worked fairly well. A few times it's gotten ahead of itself but nothing we haven't been able to get under control.

He says he didn't sleep very well last night. Its a fine line between having him getting up and around and also taking it easy and not pushing himself.

Yesterday was Madi's first softball game of the season. She's now playing on the major leagues and with a higher caliber of girls. She's doing so well and we are SO proud of her. Even with playing on a team of very experienced players, she got 2 RBI's and advanced players with her hits - even if she did get out.

After the game Madi and I went for mani/pedi's while Chip slept. It's was nice to sit and relax! The Annual Han & Bean supper was happening at the Hampton Fire Department. Chip LOVES to have that. He wasn't quite up for going to eat there so I got us take out and we relaxed watching the NASCAR race.

Today he says I need a break and is going to go to a movie with Madi, Chip's friend Dennis (who was and is a HUGE help with the boyish house stuff) and Dennis's daughter. I'm a little uneasy letting him out of sight and not sure I need to be alone for anything but he's insisting. I'd rather he go somewhere that he'll be sitting in a comfortable chair then anything involving "exercise" so I guess it's okay.

For now I'm happy he's staying at the same place he's been. Things haven't gotten worse so this is the best I can hope for!

Successful First Day Home

As thrilled as I was (and am) that Chip was able to go home it was also unnerving to suddenly be the nurse. It feels like when we first brought Madi home. You've had access to a nurse by the push of a button. At home you are on your own - no nurse call button. Eek!! Was I prepared for this? I talked to the medical staff a great deal to understand what risks there are, what sort of things to look for, what possible changes could there be, etc.

The one thing I knew without a doubt is that at home we'd be on a consistent schedule with pain meds to make sure we stay ahead of it. When we went to bed last night Chip felt we should wait till he woke up or was in discomfort and then take the meds. I've watched that process, it doesn't work. So we'd be setting an alarm to wake up for another dose. I did not want to be in a situation where I had to be working hard to get pain under control again. If I have to wake up at 3 or 4am, then that's what would be do. It worked very well. He was so happy to be in our bed, he seems to have slept and while he has pain, it isn't consuming him like it was. We are doing it - it's going to be okay.

Unfortunately while our system worked so well, my alarm did not and we over slept. Chip woke up 20 mins before the bus would come for Madi. WAKE UP!!!!! Move it move it move it! Phew. Got her off to school. Next up - to tend to Chip.

He had a good breakfast, we had meds on a good schedule, got him ice for his face, he had a nice long shower. Things were going well thus far.

Between his accident happening on Saturday morning and Easter on Sunday, much of the regular routine was off course. We were out of laundry detergent to attack the pile. We needed cat food and just...stuff. So I thought I'd get my patient out on a field trip. I wasn't ready to leave him alone yet. I told him he could cruise the electric shopping cart at Target. He said the one thing he wanted for lunch was fish & chips from the Courthouse. The guy hasn't had a meal he enjoyed in a week, we could do this!

The plan changed to lunch first and them I'd do Target after my relief nurse Madi got home. She's a great care taker, he was in great hands with her.

After the errands were run, it was time for softball practice. Chip insisted he wanted to go watch. I thought it would be a good chance for him to get rest in the quiet house but that didn't fly. He wanted to go. Okay, in the worst case we would be 2 miles down the road and he could be run home at any time.

We may have pushed it too far today. He's feeling more sore then he has been. So he had his "super duper make you sleep and drool" meds and went to lay down and rest.

I am so relieved to have him home, to have Madi home and back into our normal routine. He's certainly not in perfect shape but compared to where he could have been I am happy to have him in this condition!

I had talked with his nurse about the crash, the severity of his injuries and that she didn't recall seeing prior patients in dirt bike accidents who HAD full protective gear on. Most patients hadn't worn gear so it wasn't surprising they had injuries. She said it just shows how forceful the impact was. Here was yet another person who said his gear saved his life. Every penny spent on that stuff was worth it! He was alive - a little smushed but alive.

I'm enjoying some much needed down time. A glass of wine and the Lionel Richie country duets special is on. I may not be awake for long though! I am just so thankful to have my family together. They mean the world to me and the world is right again!! I thin we are over the hump - I sure hope so.

Here's to another peaceful night!

Home at Last

It's never felt so good to be home!!!

Over the past few days there were concerns of potential for seizures and that he possibly had a spinal cord injury. That really freaked me the hell out!! Go figure, there were none!! He had been throughly checked out by department heads of 3 different areas:, orthopedics, neurology and Neurosurgery. Each had come to the conclusion that surgery wasn't necessary *now* and to give his body time to heal.

The nerve in his neck is compressed from the impact and, we learned, some degeneritive disc disease which is causing the extreme pain in his arm. The surgeon felt it has a good chance of healing on its own and didn't warrant emergent surgery. You have to appreciate a surgeon in a teaching hospital that isn't pushing for surgery. His opinion was that Chip's arm DID have function, it wasn't really "dead", it had just been through trauma. The surgeon felt the nerve in his neck had been pulled, stretched from the spinal cord and needed time to heal. He encouraged Chip to use his arm, push it,"use it or lose it"!! He was a great doctor and was very reassuring.

After confirming his brain functioned normally, the assumption was merely that his delusional state was due to extreme pain without meds, lack of sleep and not enough food or water. The nurses said pain alone will make you loopy. You could watch him coming back as the days progressed. The pain was still there but he was "normal". He could answer basic questions and walk on his own. There was progress.

So after ALL the tests, exams and assessments we got discharge orders! We are going home. Yay!!! Chip was SO happy to be home.

There were so many great people at that hospital whose care and attention were so incredibly wonderful. There were also others that were the Christina of Grey's Anatomy....we won't go there.

Madi came home from my mom's and was thrilled to have her daddy hoe and BE home. Finally, they are all under one roof. My family is complete. It's time to crash.

Cheers to all. Thanks for all the love and support ;)

Good news....

Despite the roller coaster of information over the past few days, the "big cheese" who is the Director of Neurosurgery was in a little while ago. What a great guy! He wanted to watch the video, thought it was cool. It's actually quite good that he had that since you can hear him the whole time so he didn't lose consciousness. The neurosurgeon is not seeing spinal cord injury and doesn't think surgery is needed, at least not on an emergent basis. He seems to think the nerves were pulled when Chip crashed and it may just get better with time. If it doesn't then they'll look at surgery. You have to trust a surgeon who doesn't want to operate! He let Chip take the brace off which made him a happy boy! There are more tests to be done and I'm not sure if he's ready for discharge but this is the first positive news we've had. To say i am relieved doesn't cut it!

Now he's really resting comfortably between having a sponge bath (courtesy of Nurse Ratchet), losing the neck brace and the mental relief of gearing his spinal cord is okay.

Life is good today! Let's keep things going in this direction!


Wow. All I can say is wow. As I said, I came home Tues night to sleep. Madi had spent that night at my friend Amy's house. I stopped to Madi in the morning on my way to the hospital. Probably a bad call. She seemed well at first although Amy had said she was a little weepy earlier. Then it turned into getting on the bus at home. Then the "stomach ache". Then I'm sad. All of this time she is getting more and more upset, crying and distraught. She misses her dad. There's not much more to it. I couldn't send her to school. So she and dad played hooky together. What a relief for me. I was being pulled in two. She was where she needed to be and that took away one layer of stress. From what I understand she had a good day with bouts of sadness. I know she fell asleep peacefully. One duck in a row.

Off to the hospital I go, after a small error with following directions....and after getting initial consults, Chip was transferred to a department within the ER. It was sort of long-term ER -/ ICU place - very nice. He had a room to himself,the pain is being addressed, tests are being run and he's able to sleep. Yay!!

Finally in this new area he's getting very good attention (though when the ER figured out what was going in they were MUCH better also). The Lead Nurse came in and spent a long time talking to us and making sure she understood the whole situation because she was getting bits and pieces from all the different groups involved. She said she was putting herself in as his "primary care" person, the central point. First thing on the list - find a way to get him comfortable. It wasn't perfect but it's the best I've seen him. Next to get a plan together. Someone gets it. Yes!

Neurology had been back through but still nothing definitive. Actually nothing but more assessments. He finally had his hand X-ray'd which is now a lovely shade of green down his forearm and has little mobility. Guess what? DKH didn't do that either.

We talked with the Lead Nurse about the initial issue - his face. She said that it often doesn't require surgery (which the ENT also said). The ENT wanted a facial CT scan done so he can actually see what's broken and then decide. Everyone I've spoken to seems to think it doesn't warrant surgery and is okay to let it be while we look at the other stuff. Here's a tip I learned: never ever ask orthopedics about a broken facial bone - oh no Ortho doesn't DO faces. Soooooreeeee. Ha!

He really doesn't love the neck collar much at all but he has no choice but to wear it so he's sort of stuck. I hope once they have figured out what's going on and have him stabilized it can come off so he can get comfortable even more. We'll see. If its keeping him from breaking his neck then wear it!

I stayed with him until around 9:30 and came home to get some much needed sleep. I was assured he would not be moved from where he is so I felt okay to leave him. Yes. My other duck lined up in a row.

I didn't get any texts or calls last night. I hope that means he got a good nights sleep!! Off to go visit for another day. Madi is with mom so all is well on that front.

Hopefully I will have some I formation later. Fingers crossed.

Never a dull moment....

As you know we had an appointment yesterday to see the ENT doctor to figure out how to repair my honey's cute face. He had been doing really well (aside from pain) so I went to work for a few hours. I got home around 2 and just sensed something was off with Chip.

We got him showered but he was acting odd - in a way he hadn't since the accident. I noticed he was swaying when he stood, he was spacing out and just sort of in his own little world.

Inside I knew I was taking him back to the ER after the appointment with the ENT but I didn't tell him!! I knew he wouldn't be happy and would be a royal pain. I figured I would deal with it when I had to.

On the way to the appointment I was making small talk and said casually did you hear Santorum dropped out of the race. Who's that? What race? I said the republican presidential candidate. Huh - isn't Obama president? I was puzzled, he knows full well who Santorum is why is he saying he doesn't? Why is he confused by this?

So we went to see the ENT and he just got more and more bizarre as time went in. He couldn't sit up straight or still and was weaving all over. That part was surely odd but odder still was his not even knowing he was doing it.

The nurse and ENT were giving me side looks and I knew just what they were thinking. I just said "I know we are going right there after this". The ENT said the hospital didn't do a full scan of his face and he needed to see more, then he called the attending doctor in ER to explain what was going on. He was clearly concerned.

As we walked in the door of Day Kimball, he wasn't really walking unassisted and must have looked very out of it because the people tending the front desk just opened all the doors, didn't ask questions and sent him in. Not the norm for sure.

The nurse that treated him Sat was in triage and could tell he was far from the same as he was on Sat. So he got right into a bed, had MRI's, X-rays, blood work...the works. Why wasn't he treated like this on Sat? We'll never know I guess.

He was unable to answer basic questions or was VERY slow to respond. Things like the month, when his birthday was, who the President was, that kind of stuff. As an example, the nurse said she was taking him to MRI he says okay. They start moving him and he says where are we going? To MRI. Oh okay - honey grab my sneakers he says. Honey you don't need your shoes we are coming right back. He says oh I thought we were going home. Later on he looked at me with a very puzzled look and said "wait I thought I was here for a physical?". Seriously? Is this a joke on me? What's going on. This kind of behavior went on for a long time. He couldn't remember conversations from just a few minutes ago.

So we stayed in the ER for hours and hours waiting for results and some answers. They finally said the MRI was clear but were confused by his behavior. They wanted to see if he could walk unsupported and straight. He didn't even get to the unsupported part nor could he walk a straight line. The doctors were using that to determine what to do next. Since he failed with flying colors, he wasn't going home and would be transferred to UMass. He was NOT a happy guy, he just wanted to go home and insisted he would be fine. I was pleading with the nurses and doctor with my eyes to keep him. Chip was pulling every move he could come up with to talk himself out of this When I finally got stern and said because its not fair to ME he relented.

Chip and I then had a big debate over what I was going to do. He agreed to stop griping about going if I would agree to go home and try to get some sleep. Seeing that it was now 11:30pm, driving to Worcester wasn't the top of my list but I wanted to be with Chip. I eventually agreed to go home to rest and he was content with that (could it be the double dose of adivan that calmed him down perhaps....).

After the ambulance left with him I was talking to the nurse. She was reassuring me and telling me she's even a nurse and if her husband was behaving like Chip she wouldn't want to be home with him either. She gave me a big hug and was very sweet. I went home and fell into bed.

Rest was a joke though. He texted me about every half hour complaining about the pain and being left in the hallway. They left him there for a good 7-8 hours and basically ignored him. He got one dose of pain meds the whole time. He was distraught with very good reason. When I got here he was dressed and trying to discharge himself. Ya....don't think so!!! I spoke with the neuro resident (spoke being a nice term for it) and after apologizing they assured him that he'd be taken care of very soon. The neuro resident told us that the hospital had been told (by glorious Day Kimball - so they say) that he was transferred because of balance problems. No wonder he wasn't treated as a priority. But had they checked on him, they would have figured out that it was more then balance.

When the attending neurologist stopped in (about 15 mins later) she went through a whole battery of assessments and is very concerned about risk of seizures, damage to his neck and possibly his spinal cord. Great. So much for two "all clears" from Day Kimball. Ridiculous.

The main concern right now is on his neurological issues. Ortho reviewed him and didn't seem to think surgery was warranted. One down. Now we need to know about the neuro stuff please!!

Within the last hour he was moved into what they call the Decisioning Care Unit - a branch of the ER where they put patients who aren't going to be released from ER anytime soon but aren't yet admitted. He has a nice private room. It's sort of like an ICU here I guess. It's very quiet. He just got some pain meds by IV that sent him to a very happy place. It's been 11 years and 1 week since his last big crash so it could be that my memory is just not so fresh but this just may be the worst pain I've ever seen him in.

What a roller coaster. I'm ready to exit the ride now please.

Day 13 - Flowers

Another successful day of nursing Chip back to health is under my belt. Whew!! I didn't feel right to leave him alone all day so I worked from home where I could keep an eye on him. I knew I'd never focus from the office. So I kept a close eye on him and met my project deadlines. A win - win!

Today's challenge was flowers. You'd think if I was working at home I could sneak outside and take all I wanted. Ya that didn't happen. I had to run to Petco though, the sun was setting through the flowering trees and it was just beautiful! Flowering trees count as flowers. At least according to me they do!

An Update & Day 12 - Hands

Hands...ha. That's a funny one. I sure have my hands full!! The outpouring of help and support is greatly appreciated

Chip wasn't able to join us for dinner. Madi and I met mom, dad, Todd and Ezzie at the Mansion. It was a wonderful meal and nice distraction it kept Madi's Easter as normal as possible.

The swelling seems to have leveled off. The bruising has increased. Poor guy I feel so helpless. I am still very thankful. It could have been much much worse.

Anyway the picture challenge. Hands. This is just chillin for a little while with Lucky. Perhaps a quick "dog nap" too... I also got some down time to get outside, enjoy the nice weather and take some photos. It was overall a better day.

Here's some photos of the day and the photo challenge. Yep, breaking the rules again.

(PS - there is no logic to the order these pictures post. They are:

Madi's Shirley Temple
a spring bulb from the yard
My Cosmo
a daffodil
A basket for Madi from Gramma - clay stuff. Yay!!
Chocolate creme brûlée
Madi walking in to meet everyone
an ant on a dandelion
"HAND" photo challenge photo
Madi on the way
Easter morning collage
Madi at dinner...lunch??
Madi again
Entrance to the Mansion
Peppercorn crusted ham with mashed potatoes and roasted veggies
wine list
blackberry butter
carrot soup
The Mansion
Random tree

Tree 2 - Chip 0

It happened again. The boys went got their usual dirt bike ride across the street. I heard then out there doing the normal lap times and then Dennis was suddenly back at the house. I just knew it, he didn't have to tell me anything. Chip had crashed right? Yes he had and I again needed to call 911 and try to explain where he is out in the woods somewhere. Dennis waited for the fire department to arrive so he could take them to Chip. Suddenly, there he was. He had somehow managed to walk out of the woods (a thing I would remember back to over the course of the day).

As hard as it was to deal with this situation when Madi was 8 weeks old, it was much easier from an emotional point of view. She was having a hard time with him being hurt, the sirens and the chaos.

He was put on a backboard and taken to Day Kimball hospital. I met them there after sending Madi to Tim and Amy's. There I found him with a lovely space in the hallway.

He had CAT scans done initially of his neck and spine. It took FOREVER to get the results which were good news and bad news. Good news was his neck was fine. Bad news that his face wasn't a lucky. So back for a CAT scan of the head. And again we waited....and waited....

As suspected his face is broken. The sinus area cage was smushed but very swollen. After about 7 hours in the ER, he has to follow up with a specialist to figure out how to put Chippy together again.

He is resting now and peaceful. Let's hope it lasts. I suspect there may be a long road ahead. I am just content my man is, big picture-wise, going to be okay. A face you can fix. Brains are not so easy.

His helmet took the hit pretty darn well and saved his brains. For that I am thankful!

Day 11 - What You Wore

Let's just say that what I wore today had little to do with choice or fashion and everything to do with speed and necessity.

Chip went out for his regular Saturday ride across the street today. All seemed fine until his friend Dennis came back to the house. He was the preverbial bearer of bad news. Chip had crashed his dirt bike in the woods. Again. Flashback to 11 years & 1 week ago when he had his last big crash. I was about to get reedy to go dye Easter eggs for the day and instead threw on the closest clothes I could find, brushed my teeth and put my hair up then met the ambulance at the hospital. So this is what I wore today. Stylin huh?

Day 10 - Trees

Madi has softball practice tonight. It is SO cold I ended up sitting in the car with my butt warmer set to high! The sun was setting over the field and the contrast of the trees was so cool!

Day 9 - Black & White

As usual, I am breaking the "rules" of a game I'm playing for and by myself! Cheater cheater pumpkin eater...whatever!!

The "rules" are that the picture is to be taken the day of each topic. Well, I took this picture at dinner the other night and love it. To try to comply I did take other B&W's today but there were none I like as much as this so I'm going with it.