Tree 2 - Chip 0

It happened again. The boys went got their usual dirt bike ride across the street. I heard then out there doing the normal lap times and then Dennis was suddenly back at the house. I just knew it, he didn't have to tell me anything. Chip had crashed right? Yes he had and I again needed to call 911 and try to explain where he is out in the woods somewhere. Dennis waited for the fire department to arrive so he could take them to Chip. Suddenly, there he was. He had somehow managed to walk out of the woods (a thing I would remember back to over the course of the day).

As hard as it was to deal with this situation when Madi was 8 weeks old, it was much easier from an emotional point of view. She was having a hard time with him being hurt, the sirens and the chaos.

He was put on a backboard and taken to Day Kimball hospital. I met them there after sending Madi to Tim and Amy's. There I found him with a lovely space in the hallway.

He had CAT scans done initially of his neck and spine. It took FOREVER to get the results which were good news and bad news. Good news was his neck was fine. Bad news that his face wasn't a lucky. So back for a CAT scan of the head. And again we waited....and waited....

As suspected his face is broken. The sinus area cage was smushed but very swollen. After about 7 hours in the ER, he has to follow up with a specialist to figure out how to put Chippy together again.

He is resting now and peaceful. Let's hope it lasts. I suspect there may be a long road ahead. I am just content my man is, big picture-wise, going to be okay. A face you can fix. Brains are not so easy.

His helmet took the hit pretty darn well and saved his brains. For that I am thankful!

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