It's Always Something....

The older I get, the more I realize there always is, and always will be.....something.  Something that sets your routine off course, something that makes you stop to think, something that complicates life...all kinds of "something" always happen.  Either it becomes easier to cope with the 'Something Roller Coaster of Life' as I age or I am learning to cope better with these "somethings".

Today's something was my mom.  I got a call from my dad this morning saying "I just want to tell you that mom is in the hospital, she is going to be fine but I just wanted you to know".  Wow, that caught me off guard!  Huh? I thought you were calling to ask what Madi wanted for her birthday, mom being in the hospital was not on my radar!  She had gone to the hospital early in the morning with symptoms similar to a heart attack.  He said that initial tests seemed to show there to be no cardiac issue but mom was being held overnight for more testing and observation.

As it turns out, it so far seems that he was right - she is going to be fine and thank goodness for that.  It is comforting to know that all measures are being taken to make sure she is healthy and good to go, but a "scare" nonetheless.  And another reminder that life IS short and to always spend enough time doing what makes you happy!


  1. Oh my goodness! That must have been so scary!!! This is what happens when the week gets away from me and I haven't talked to my mom all week really! I had no idea!! So scary and in sooo thankful she is ok!!!!!!!
