What have I done

You want to know what's worse then "how many more miles" or "are we there yet"?? "Do you want to know how much we've spent so far?". That's much MUCH worse. On vacation I live in a place where money doesn't matter. I don't keep track. I don't want to know.

So why am I now you might ask? Well I thought it would be a good math project to give Madi a driving log to add up (or subtract) our mileage and gas, etc. on the trip down. That was a fabulous idea in her mind!! But now she's taken it to the extreme. She keeps all of the receipts and has a running tab to the penny.

Do you wanna know how much we've spent so far?? NO. No I don't!

1 comment:

  1. I was looking at an old travel log from my 1st trip to Europe. I highly recommend keeping it. Very entertaining. Fun to look back
