Mission Accomplished

We did it!!! We pulled the wool over the busiest body in the whole wide world. And it was soooooooo worth it!!

I woke Madi around 6:30 this morning and told her "no school for you today". I'm waiting for a reaction.....nothing. I say it again. Nothing. "Madi, don't you want to know why there is no school today?". Huh she says, okay...why? Because we're going to Disney World this morning!!!! She didn't believe me. "No sir, you just are tricking me just to get me up." I finally convince her it's real and we are going and going today! She then squeaks in excitement and asks if she can please go to school and then leave for FL. FOR REAL??? Oy! We needed to go pick up her school work so she was being able to run in her class and say good bye. Aside from wanting to do the project planned for the day, she seems to have gotten over the whole going to school thing. Sheesh.

We left home around 10:30 - not too bad since our goal was to leave by 10. Madi has an entire backseat of fun stuff to do. What does she choose first? Math. What??? Math?? "math minutes are the most fun." Whose kid is this?? Oh well...she's happy doing her school work as we make our way along.

So far we've made it to NJ and just stopped for lunch. We left much earlier then we needed to since we don't check in until Sunday. This gives us time to go at a leisurely pace and stop along the way.

People think we are crazy to drive. We love to, it's part of the adventure! We are on no ones schedule but our own. Whatever floats our boat is what we shall do! And besides I don't recall asking for input LOL!

Here's some pics so far. Not to worry there will be LOADS more!


  1. Is that THE bridge? Glad it's behind you once again. I so agree with you about the drive being part of the adventure - I love the drive. Good thing I'm not with you though since Chip and I both love the driving part - we'd be fighting for the wheel!! I love a road trip! If it's not too late, swing east and go see the ponies at Chincoteague since you have some extra time.
    Safe journey - I look forward to reading this as you make progress south.

  2. Have a fab time. Think of all of us here in this pitiful 45 degrees. Oh ya, it's January. Not really cold I guess. But have a great time and since you are on schedule, keep it under 90 in Georgia!

  3. I'm so happy you're doing this blog!! I've been thinking about you guys all day! Wondering if Mado was surprised! So happy you pulled it off! And can't get over her wanting to go to school and then picking math homework! She is such a cool kid!! Have a safe rest of your trip!

  4. Mom - that was the GW Bridge in NYC. Well luck for me Chip loves to drive soi don't have to. I hate it!!!

    Laurie - its hard to complain about 40* temps but you might want to check your calendar. It's actually February not January!! LOL

    Erin - she sure is a trip isn't she? She also sent Chipback to get her I Love Lucy DVD's. Says no road trip is complete without Lucy!

  5. Love this! What a wonderful gift and I love how she is doing her math!
